i am offically a fat-ass...yesterday at work, wayne was joking my chubbiness...but he always has, so i payed him no mind...then today ernie told me that i got fat since the last time he saw me...uhhh...thanks guys...i really needed to hear that...so...i am going on a diet...water, fruits, and veggies are going to be my best friends from here on out...speaking of friends...i got a letter from lauren today...she's going to come down to visit for my birthday! i am so excited...i only have about 60 days left...thats a guesstimate because i don't have my cool watch g. bought me...and i'm too lazy to go get it...i am getting excited already...so...the latest at work...not much...my boss is a royal bitch...if i ever get that fat...please...somebody kill me...it is just disgusting when you sit in a chair and it bends...and we have some industrial strength chairs there...i told lucy that carole is too big to be stuck up my ass...ugh...i'm wondering why i begged dr. nick to release me...well...gots to go to bed...i want to try to go to the bank in the morning and see if i can get my car refinanced...probably not...but it's worth a try...good nite <3
cross your fingers & pray for winter

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United States, Virginia, English, Female, 21-25, piercings/tattoos, reading.