today was pretty uneventful...besides seeing my beautiful "chink boy" (that's how he refers to himself) four, yes, i said FOUR times! the first time was when i got out of a meeting and was standing at lucy's station and he walked past...my radar was on full swing...i knew he was coming my way before he even made it around the corner...then i hid behind lucy...he didn't look over my way anyway...i don't think he even knew i was back to work...the second time i saw him was when he walked from the hallway with willie and stood across from my station for about ten minutes gossiping about the newest rumours...and you know i had to walk past him a couple times...when i first walked by him i think he was going to wave, but i looked away...he was staring hard...then i walked past a couple more times...it was pretty damn convienent that the material handlers were ignoring me and i had to get my own parts, which were right near g....willie kept making faces at me the whole time and making me laugh...when g. left, i attacked willie, but he said that he didn't have any info, and if he did he wouldn't hold out on me because i gave him a lapdance...then g. came by to get the keys to get gas for his lab, and the keys hang right behind my station...willie yelled at him , but he just kept walking...he brought the keys back and hauled ass...i guess he was afraid i would try to talk to him...ginger came to my station on her break to inform me that anna wants to hook up with nick...i told nick about it, but the boy is all about some kelly...hopefully he'll move on...then fidela was all talking to me about g...she said that he looks old and that i should find someone better, but i don't want anyone else, better or not...i want g...she told me that ferdy said that he wants to "taste" me...i about fell over laughing....then dave was talking about balute (spelling) and lucy started joking me about g. and saying thats why he was so good in bed...it was pretty embarrassing...and i will absolutely DIE if dave tells g. about it...willie informed me of the latest gossip...supposedly ricky started a rumour that willie and danielle are fucking...well hey...at least it ain't me fucking willie anymore...or fidela...that one was getting pretty old too...i certainly didn't miss the drama in that place...not much else is new though...i bought the evanescence cd today.. i love it...it's great...i also got the ataris and 50 cent...and "the ring" on dvd...but i guess i'm gonna try to get some sleep...i can feel a cold creeping...<3
cross your fingers & pray for winter

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Female/21-25. Lives in United States/Virginia//, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes piercings/tattoos/reading.
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United States, Virginia, English, Female, 21-25, piercings/tattoos, reading.