i lost control...all it took was a guy breaking his plans with me...well, not really breaking, more like not calling when we had plans...i flipped out...i totally freaking spazzed...all because of something stupid...he had left his cell phone and keys in the navy exchange and they closed and he couldn't get them out...but it just totally made me fly off the handle...i was so upset and frustrated that i sliced my leg horribly...when i got home from work and put my pajamas on, i looked at the bright red gashes and felt so horrible...why did i do it again? i was doing good...i actually believed that i could stop again...i had quit for three years...why couldn't i do it again...it's a bad habit, like smoking...you quit, but then you pick up that one cigarette and you're hooked all over again, only worse the second time around...maybe it's time for me to stop bullshitting and carry my ass to a shrink so i can get some help before i do serious damage to myself, or worse, someone around me...
cross your fingers & pray for winter

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Female/21-25. Lives in United States/Virginia//, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes piercings/tattoos/reading.
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United States, Virginia, English, Female, 21-25, piercings/tattoos, reading.