this weekend went by too fast...hopefully i won't have to work next weekend...only having one day off is rough, not to mention the fact that i haven't been abale to sleep in all week...well, i did today, but i still had to set my alarm clock to wake up at 2 pm...work was slack as hell yesterday...there was seven of us there, including the lead...we worked our butts off the first couple hours and we got so far ahead that we didn't have to do anything the last hour and we were just chilling outside smoking cigs and i was talking on the phone to rachel...my arms hurt from using the driver...i was assembling the blades for the tillers and i had oil on my hands, so i had to hold on to the driver tightly to keep it from sliding out of my grip...after work i went to peabody's with carla...we saw codie and ryan there...we chilled with them all night...i had a good time...my legs hurt so bad today that i didn't want to move...i fell in the shower last night when i was shaving my legs and i got a huge bruise on my ass...for some reason lately i have been getting dizzy and losing my balance...i think it might be allergies fucking with my sinuses and my ears and stuff...i hope that's what it is...so...here's the juicy stuff...i had bowling tonight...and g. said hi to me and i caught him staring a couple times, but i always looked away and acted like i didn't see...all his friends went down to the other end of the bowling alley and he was waiting for willie to finish up...he was standing near me, so i walked over to him and leaned on his shoulder and said "what's up, snob?"...he looked at me funny...like he was nervous...and i continued to ask why he doesn't talk to me anymore...he just kept repeating "it's not like that, it's not like that"...then he said something about not drinking enough tonight and that he was trying to stay sober...so i decided to tell him that i'm going to see a couselor in the morning...he said that it's good and when i told him that i'm scared he just said that he knows i'll be fine...then i walked away before it got any more awkward...i was so incedibly nervous, i was shaking...i think he was nervous too because he could't look at me...i kept leaning over trying to look in his eyes and he would look away or try to look past me...i don't know if he doesn't talk to me because he really dislikes me that much, or if it's the opposite...i'm afraid to know the truth...hopefully now i've broken the ice a little and he'll be more friendly towards me...he is so unemotional that i can't ever tell how he's feeling...i can see when he's happy or when he's mad, but there really isn't an in between...he's afraid to feel...he's like a robot...it drives me nuts!! ok, enough obsessing for one night...i'm going to go dream of my angel...
cross your fingers & pray for winter

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United States, Virginia, English, Female, 21-25, piercings/tattoos, reading.