ugh...i'm so happy this weekend is over...i thought it was never going to end...friday night i met everyone from work up at friday's because i was ricky's designated driver...so i chilled mostly with ginger, fred and crystal, dwayne, and josh...everyone else was on the other side of the bar...i had a pretty good time...i met the manager and he told me that he would be certain to be working on my birthday...and that he would hook it up with the drinks...then everyone got kicked out at about two, so ricky and i stopped by taco bell and then i took him home...on the way home he kept talking about how good i looked last saturday when i stopped by his hotel room to drop off his gift...i kept asking him to stop, but he was drunk and wouldn't listen to me...then i ate my taco bell and talked to nick on the phone...i told him about g. and how i feel about him and the whole situation...basically that i don't want to be rushed into a relationship...and he was kind of pissed off about it, but i guess he got over it...because i saw him on saturday...he came and picked me up and took me to this fancy restaurant in norfolk called "la galleria"...the food was awesome...i got a salad and manicotti...and for dessert we shared raspberry sorbet...after that we stopped by my house to switch cars because he wanted to drink...we went and played pool for a while...i lost all four games miserably...next we went to croc's and met ginger, anna, dawn, and deana there...they were already drunk and being loud...we chilled there for a while and then we headed over to the beach house, got there and found out that they weren't letting anyone under 21 in until later...so nick and i walked back over to croc's and chilled there for a little while longer...when we got back to the beach house, the line was so long that we had to wait for an hour in the cold to get in the door...nick was all causing a scene in line...being loud and annoying people...i was starting to get really ticked off...we got inside and found the girls and started dancing...i like it there...it's really big inside...but the dance floor was so crowded you could hardly move! ginger dragged me up onto the stage and i danced in the cage with anna too...i had a pretty good time...nick was cramping my style though...for some reason i just can't dance with him...he always tries to get so close to me that it just pushes on me and i lose my balance and my rhythm...we left there at almost two and went to my house where we watched "lilo & stitch"...but nick fell asleep on the couch...i went up to my bed...don't you know, about an hour later, guess who shows up in my bedroom trying to climb into MY bed...i'm not a frigid bitch, but i DID NOT invite him into my bed...so as soon as he fell asleep, i went downstairs and passed out on the couch...then here comes nick...downstairs...and now he's leaving...it was fine by me because i was pretty perturbed by then...as soon as he was out the door, my ass was back in my bed sleeping soundly...as the sun was rising...ugh...people piss me off...so today, i slept in...and then i went bowling...i caught g. staring at me a couple times...and he didn't look away like he normally does...i was the one looking away this time...it was weird...he looked so damn good...i wanted to eat him alive...not really...but he had it going on today...hopefully i'll see him around work when i start back tomorrow...it's about damn time...i wish the doctor could have released me sooner, but at least i don't have to wait any longer...it is such a relief to have a reason to leave the house every day...i don't think i could take anymore of this staying at home 24/7 bullshit...i'm going nuts! yeah...so, i'll update when i can...which probably won't be much now that i'll be working all the time...<3
cross your fingers & pray for winter

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United States, Virginia, English, Female, 21-25, piercings/tattoos, reading.