today i called and made an appointment to see a social worker...i'm going to see her on monday at 11am...i feel like i accomplished something today by making that appointment...i cut again today before i went to work...it's getting harder and harder for me to control myself...i guess the lady i talked to last night on the phone thinks i'm pretty fucked up...the evaluation is supposed to take 20-30 minutes and after talking to me for 10 minutes she told me that she was going to refer me to a counselor and that i needed to go within the next three days...she was supposed to call and leave a message at the medical center letting them know that i was going to call...when i called the receptionist asked if i could come in tomorrow...when ginger wanted to make an appointment, she had to wait for more than two weeks to me seen...i told carla about the cutting tonight...she said that she's happy that i'm getting help...i can't wait to tell george when i see him on sunday...i know that he'll tell g. and that should help things along...hopefully :)
cross your fingers & pray for winter

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Female/21-25. Lives in United States/Virginia//, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes piercings/tattoos/reading.
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United States, Virginia, English, Female, 21-25, piercings/tattoos, reading.